TNS #1 “Knowing the truth is the key to Freedom”
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God Bless each and everyone of you, and thank you for joining us here @ Word of Life, we know you could be anywhere this afternoon but we’re glad that you chose to be with us.
Let’s Pray
Repeat after Me
A Warriors Confession
A Warrior…
Therefore I AM,
And that’s because I AM,
A child of God!!!
As we celebrate the 4th of July we know and understand that its not about grilling and fireworks.
But rather we celebrate our Freedom
Our founding fathers knew the only way to protect our liberty is through the recognition of our dependence on God.
And so they signed the documents on which our nation is founded.
They fully believed God is the author of freedom, they understood that liberty, freedom, and truth, comes only from God.
But heres the problem… this country continues to get further from the things of God.
And we grow further from Freedom and further from the truth.
What is Freedom???
Freedom: the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
Are we truly able to act, speak, or think for ourselves if we are slaves to sin???
(We often act upon our fleshly desires)
So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples,
and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
The Key to Freedom is Jesus Christ.
Illustration: Have you ever been in a hotel and they give you the key and you bring your luggage in, you ride the elevator all the way up to your floor, while having everything in your hands. Walk all the way down the hall to your room, where you just can’t wait to get inside, only to find that your key doesn’t work...
My job as a Pastor and as your Pastor is to make sure you have the right key.
Then you have to go all the way back down, to let them know the key they gave you doesn’t work.
Then depending on if there isn’t a line or if they haven't left somewhere to go give another room some clean towels, you have to wait.
I don’t want you to have the wrong key tonight, the only way to have true freedom is to have Jesus Christ.
One thing I want to elaborate on is knowing about the truth is not enough...
There are many that claim that they know God but yet will have a rude awakening on judgement day.
There are some that know the word inside and out, but treat the bible as a fairy tale.
We must apply the truth to our lives.
Story: I was having a conversation with someone and they asked me what I thought about something, and I gave them my thoughts and logic with the word of God. Then I said; I know this is probably not the answer you wanted to hear. But they responded back with; “no, I would rather know the truth.”
I love that, because most people wouldn’t even dare to ask me... and thats because they don’t want to apply the truth.
Truth is obeying the word of God.
Truth is listening to the word of God, above every other word.
How come it’s so easy to take the words of others above the word of God???
(It’s easier because it’s family and friend’s we have relationships with.)
Let’s be honest we talk to one another more than we talk to God...
so when a loved one tells us this is the right way, it’s easier for us to look at them and say; I guess this is the right way.
Because we have stronger relationships with friends and family, we hold their words above the word of God.
Another thing I want to elaborate on is, regardless of your knowledge about freedom and truth, without Jesus, you will always be a slave to sin.
What does it mean to be a slave to sin???
For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness.
They answered him, “We are offspring of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. How is it that you say, ‘You will become free’?”
How many people do you think are out there, that don’t know they are slaves to sin???
MOST PEOPLE believe they are #Living their best Life...
Most people don’t even realize that they are slaves too sin.
And just as they were asking here, they didn’t realize what Jesus was talking about.
They let Jesus know that their descendants have never been physical slaves.
But Jesus was not only talking about being a physical slave, but also being a slave to sin and the things of this world.
Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin.
Sin and the things of this world have a way of enslaving us, without us even realizing it.
It controls us, it calls to us, and it dictates our actions.
Sin will have you making excuses on why it’s not all that bad.
Sin will have you compromising what you believe, in order to have it.
This is why many can not just stop wanting the things of this world, because it has us enslaved to the way it feels, or the way it taste, or the way it looks.
So knowing the truth, knowing Jesus is the only way to be free indeed.
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
And I’m not talking about being free to do whatever you want to do...
I’m talking about being free to follow God, and live your best life!!!
Live the life He created you to live.